peach blood(红楼梦最好的英译本)

1. peach blood,红楼梦最好的英译本?


【红楼梦 引子】

Prologue toThe Dream of Red Mansions

杨宪益 戴乃迭 译


At the dawn of creation

Who sowed the seeds of love?

From the strong passion of breeze and moonlight they came.



So in this world of sweet longing

On a day of distress, in an hour of loneliness,

Fain would I impart my senseless grief

By singing thisDream of Red Mansions

To mourn the Gold and the Jade.


Vain Longing

杨宪益 戴乃迭 译


One is an immortal flower of fairyland,

The other fair flawless jade,


And were it not predestined

Why should they meet again in this existence?


Yet, if predestined,

Why does their love come to nothing?


One sighs to no purpose,

The other yearns in vain;


One is the moon reflected in the water,

The other but a flower in the mirror.


How many tears can well from her eyes?


Can they flow on from autumn till winter,

From spring till summer?


Illusory Land of Great Void

杨宪益 戴乃迭 译


When false is taken for true, true becomes false;

If non-being turns into being, being becomes non-being.


杨宪益 戴乃迭 译


As blossoms fade and fly across the sky,

Who pities the faded red, the scent that has been?


Softly the gossamer floats over spring pavilions,

Gently the willow fluff wafts to the embroidered screen.


A girl in her chamber mourns the passing of spring,

No relief from anxiety her poor heart knows;


Hoe in hand she steps through her portal,

Loath to tread on the blossom as she comes and goes.


Willows and elms, fresh and verdant,

Care not if peach and plum blossom drift away;


Next year the peach and plum will bloom again,

But her chamber may stand empty on that day.


By the third month the scented nests are built,

But the swallows on the beam are heartless all;


Next year, though once again you may peck the buds,

From the beam of an empty room your nest will fall.


Each year for three hundred and sixty days

The cutting wind and biting frost contend.


How long can beauty flower fresh and fair?

In a single day wind can whirl it to its end.


Fallen, the brightest blooms are hard to find;

With aching heart their grave-digger comes now.


Alone, her hoe in hand, her secret tears

Falling like drops of blood on each bare bough.


Dusk falls and the cuckoo is silent;

Her hoe brought back, the lodge is locked and still;


A green lamp lights the wall as steep enfolds her,

Cold rain pelts the casement and her quilt is chill.


What causes my two-fold anguish?

Love for spring and resentment of spring;


For suddenly it comes and suddenly goes,

Its arrival unheralded, noiseless its departing.


Last night from the courtyard floated a sad song –

Was it the soul of blossom, the soul of birds?


Hard to detain, the soul of blossom or birds,

For blossoms have no assurance, birds no words.


I long to take wing and fly

With the flowers to earth's uttermost bound;


And yet at earth's uttermost bound

Where can a fragrant burial mound be found?


Better shroud the fair petals in silk

With clean earth for their outer attire;


For pure you came and pure shall go,

Not sinking into some foul ditch or mire.


Now you are dead I come to bury you;

None has divined the day when I shall die;


Men laugh at my folly in burying fallen flowers,

But who will bury me when dead I lie?


See, when spring draws to a close and flowers fall,

peach blood(红楼梦最好的英译本)

2. 所有水果的英文?


apple 苹果 pear 梨 peach 桃 grape 葡萄 banana 香蕉 pineapple 菠萝 watermelon 西瓜

lemon 柠檬 mango 芒果 strawberry 草莓 cherry 樱桃 date 枣

apricot 杏 orange 橙 plum 李子 pomegranate 石榴 peanut 花生

KIWI 弥猴桃 lychee 荔枝 mandarin 桔子 plum 李子 pomelo 柚子


lime 青柠檬 yam 山药 acorn 松子 durian 榴莲 mangosteen 山竹 rambutan 毛丹

pinang 槟榔 longan 龙眼 sorb 山梨 medlar 枇杷,欧查果 fig 无花果 persimmon 柿子 walnut 胡桃 hazelnut 榛子 nectarine 油桃 mulberry 桑椹 chestnut 粟

currant 醋粟 coconut, cocoanut 可可 bilberry 越桔 blackberry, blueberry 黑莓 avocado 鳄梨 black currant 红醋栗 blood orange 红橙 citron, grapefruit 香橼


damson 大马士革李 almond 巴旦杏 nutmeg 肉豆蔻 papaya, papaw 番木瓜

guava 番石榴 pistachio 阿月浑子 prickly pear 仙人掌果

raspberry 覆盆子 soursop 刺果番荔枝

3. 有趣的大树有哪些?

有许多有趣的大树,以下是其中一些例子:1. 红木树(Sequoia):红木树是世界上最大的树种之一,可以长到超过100米高,寿命可达3000年以上。2. 橡树(Oak Tree):橡树是一种常见的大型乔木,它们有浓密的树冠和庞大的干。橡树还具有重要的生态和文化价值。3. 紫荆树(Jacaranda):紫荆树是南美洲的一种大型落叶乔木,春季开满紫色的花朵,非常美丽。4. 电线杆树(Pole Tree):这是一种独特的树种,长得像电线杆,枝干竖直向上生长,形成了一种奇特的景观。5. 白杨树(Poplar):白杨树是一种高大的落叶树,被广泛用于河岸树带和风景园林中,由于其叶子能在风中翻动,被人们称为舞动的树。6. 大叶欧矢车菊(Ginkgo Biloba):大叶欧矢车菊是一种非常古老的树种,被誉为“活化石”,它具有独特的叶子形状和美丽的秋叶色。7. 皇帝树(Empress Tree):皇帝树是一种快速生长的大型落叶乔木,夏季开满紫色的花朵,是一种具有观赏价值的树种。这只是一小部分有趣的大树,世界上还有许多其他种类的大树,每棵都有自己独特的魅力。

4. 常用水果的英文单词?

apple 苹果 pear 梨 apricot 杏

peach 桃 grape 葡萄

banana 香蕉 pineapple 菠萝

plum 李子 watermelon 西瓜

orange 橙 lemon 柠檬

mango 芒果 strawberry 草莓

medlar 枇杷 mulberry 桑椹

nectarine 油桃 cherry 樱桃

pomegranate 石榴 fig 无花果

tangerine 柑子 persimmon 柿子

walnut 胡桃 hazelnut 榛子

chestnut 粟 currant 醋粟

coconut, cocoanut 可可

bilberry 越桔 blackberry黑莓

avocado 鳄梨 black currant 红醋栗

blood orange 红橙 prickly pear 仙人掌果

枣Chinese date (去核枣 pitted date )

椰子coconut 树莓 raspberry

蓝莓 blueberry 黑莓 blackberry

甘蔗 sugar cane 芒果mango

木瓜 pawpaw或者papaya

油桃 nectarine 柿子persimmon

石榴pomegranate 榴莲 jackfruit

槟榔果 areca nut (西班牙产苦橙)bitter orange

猕猴桃 kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry

金橘cumquat 蟠桃 flat peach

荔枝 litchi 青梅greengage

山楂果 haw 水蜜桃honey peach

香瓜,甜瓜 musk melon

李子plum 杨梅 waxberry red bayberry

桂圆 longan 沙果 crab apple

杨桃starfruit 枇杷 loquat

柑橘 tangerine 莲雾wax-apple

5. 豆沙色英语缩写?


豆沙色 cameo

浅豆沙色 pale mauve



朱红 vermeil; vermilion; ponceau

粉红 pink; soft red; rose bloom

梅红 plum; crimson; fuchsia red

玫瑰红 rose madder; rose

桃红 peach blossom; peach; carmine rose

樱桃红 cherry; cerise

桔红 reddish orange; tangerine; jacinth;

石榴红 garnet

枣红 purplish red; jujube red; date red

莲红 lotus red

浅莲红 fuchsia pink

豉豆红 bean red

辣椒红 capsicum red

高粱红 Kaoliang red

芙蓉红 hibiscus red; poppy red; poppy

胭脂红 rogue

red ; carmine; cochineal; lake

鲑鱼红 salmon

玳瑁红 hawksbill turtle red

海螺红 cadmium orange

宝石红 ruby red

玛瑙红 agate red

珊瑚红 coral

金红 bronze red

铁红 iron oxide red

铁锈红 rust red

镉红 cadmium red

铬红 chrome red

砖红 brick red

土红 laterite; reddle

郎窑红 lang-kiln red

均红 Jun-kiln red

釉底红 underglaze red

威尼斯红 Venetian red

法国红 French vermilion

茜红 alizarin red; madder red

洋红 carmine; magenta

品红 pinkish red; magenta

猩红 scarlet red; scarlet; blood red

油红 oil red

紫红 purplish red; madder red; wine red

玫瑰紫红 rose carmine; rose mauve

深紫红 prune; mulberry

深藕红 conch shell

棕红 henna

暗红 dark red; dull red

鲜红 scarlet red; scarlet; bright red

血红 blood red; incarnadine

血牙红 shell pink; peach beige

绯红 scarlet; crimson; geranium pink

米红 silver pink

深红 deep red; crimson

淡红 light red; carnation

橙色 orange

桔黄 orange; crocus; gamboge

深桔黄,深橙 deep orange

浅桔黄,浅橙 clear orange; light orange

黄色 yellow

柠檬黄 lemonyellow ; lemon; citrine citron

玉米黄 maize

橄榄黄 olive yellow

樱草黄 primrose yellow

稻草黄 straw yellow

芥末黄 mustard

杏黄 apricot; apricot buff; bronze yellow

蛋黄 vitelline; yolk yellow; egg yellow

藤黄 rattan yellow

鳝鱼黄 eel yellow

象牙黄 ivory

日光黄 sunny yellow

石黄 mineral yellow

土黄 earth yellow; yellowish brown

砂黄 sand yellow

金黄 golden yellow, gold

铁黄 iron oxide yellow; iron buff

镉黄 cadmium yellow

铬黄 chrome yellow

钴黄 cobalt yellow

深黄,暗黄 deep yellow

棕黄 tan

青黄 bluish yellow

灰黄isabel; sallow; grey yellow

米黄 apricot cream; cream

嫩黄 yellow cream

鲜黄 cadmium yellow; canary

鹅黄 light yellow

中黄 medium yellow

浅黄 light yellow; pale yellow; buff

淡黄 jasmine; primrose

绿色 green

豆绿 peagreen ; bean green

浅豆绿 light bean green; asparagus green

橄榄绿 olive green; olive

茶绿 tea green; celandine green

葱绿 onion green; pale green

苹果绿 apple green

原野绿 field green

森林绿 forest green

洋蓟绿 artichoke green

苔藓绿 moss green; bracken green

草地绿,草绿 grass green; meadow green

水草绿 water grass green

深草绿 jungle green

灰湖绿 agate green

水绿 aqua green

海水绿 marine green

酸性绿 acid green

水晶绿 crystal green

玉绿 jade green

石绿 mineral green

松石绿 spearmint;viridis

铜绿 verdigris

铜锈绿 patina green

镉绿 cadmium green

铬绿 chrome green

钴绿 cobalt green

孔雀绿 peacock green

威尼斯绿 Venetian green

巴黎绿 Paris green; king's green

墨绿 blackish green; green black; jasper

墨玉绿 emerald black

深绿 dark green; petrol; Chinese green; bottle green

暗绿 sap green; darkgreen ; deep green

青绿 dark green

碧绿 azure green; turquoise green; viridity

翠绿 emerald green; jade green; bright green

深翠绿 viridian

蓝绿blue green ; aquamarine

黄绿 yellow green

灰绿 grey green ; sage green ; hedge green


品绿 light green ; malachite green

鲜绿 clear green; emerald green ; vivid green

嫩绿pomona green ; verdancy

中绿 medium green; golf green

浅绿 light green

淡绿 pale green

青色 ceruleanblue [siˈru:ljən blu:]

豆青 pea green; bean green

花青 flower blue

茶青 tea green

葱青 onion green

天青 celeste; azure

霁青 sky-clearing blue

石青 mineral blue

铁青 electricblue ; river blue

蟹青turquoise ; ink blue

鳝鱼青 eel green

蛋青 egg blue

影青 misty blue; white blue

黛青 bluish

群青,伟青 ultramarine

暗青 dark blue; deep cerulean

藏青 navy blue; dark blue; Ming blue

靛青 indigo

大青 smalt

粉青 light greenish blue

鲜青 clear cerulean

浅青 light blue; light cerulean

淡青 palecerulean ; light greenish blue

蓝色 blue

天蓝 sky blue; azure; celeste

蔚蓝 azure; sky blue

月光蓝 moon blue

海洋蓝 ocean blue

海蓝 sea blue

湖蓝 acid blue

深湖蓝 vivid blue

中湖蓝 bright blue

浅湖蓝 canal blue

清水蓝 water blue

冰雪蓝 ice-snow blue

孔雀蓝 peacock blue

宝石蓝 sapphire; jewelry

粉末蓝 powder blue

铁蓝 iron blue

钴蓝 cobalt blue; king's blue

普鲁士蓝 Prussian blue

北京蓝 Beijing blue

士林蓝 indanthrene blue

品蓝 reddish blue; royal blue; king's blue

靛蓝 indigo; indigo blue; benzo blue

菘蓝 woaded blue

石磨蓝 stone-washed indigo

藏蓝 purplish blue; navy blue; navy

海军蓝 navy blue; navy

宝蓝 royal blue

墨蓝 blue black

绿蓝 turquoise blue

紫蓝 hyacinth; purplish blue

浅紫蓝 Dutch blue

青蓝 ultramarine

深灰蓝 blue ashes

深蓝 deep blue; dark blue; navy blue

暗蓝 deep blue; dark blue

鲜蓝 clear blue

中蓝 medium blue; azure blue

浅蓝 light blue

淡蓝 pale blue; baby blue; calamine blue

紫色 purple

紫罗兰色 violet

紫藤色 lilac

紫水晶色 amethyst

葡萄紫 grape

茄皮紫 aubergine; wineberry

玫瑰紫 rose violet

丁香紫 lilac

钴紫 cobalt violet

墨紫 violet black

绛紫 dark reddish purple

暗紫 violet deep; dull purple; damson

乌紫 raisin

蓝紫 royal light

鲜紫 violet light

深紫 amaranth; modena

浅紫grey violet

淡紫 pale purple; lavender; lilac; orchid

淡白紫 violet ash

青莲 pale purple; heliotrope

深青莲 amaranth purple

雪青 lilac

墨绛红 purple black

暗绛红 purple deep

浅绛红 purple light

黑色 black

土黑 earth black

煤黑 coal black

碳黑 carbon black; charcoal black

古铜黑 bronze black

铁黑 iron oxide black; iron black

橄榄黑 olive black

棕黑 sepia; brown black

青黑 lividity

深黑,漆黑 pitch-black; pitch-dark

暗黑 dull black

白色 white

象牙白 ivory white; ivory

牡蛎白 oyster white

珍珠白 pear white; gray lily

玉石白 jade white

银白 silver white

铅白 flake white; lead white; ceruse white

锌白 zinc white

锌钡白 lithopone; pearl white

羊毛白 wool white

米白 off-white; shell

乳白 milky-white

雪白 snow-white; snowy white

灰白 greyish white; off-white

青白 bluish white

纯白 crisp-white; pure white

本白 raw white; off-white

粉红白 pinky white

淡紫白 lilac white

灰色 grey

银灰 silvergrey; chinchilla; gray mom

铁灰 irongrey

铅灰 lividity; leaden grey

碳灰 charcoal grey

驼灰 doe

豆灰 rose dust

藕灰 zephyr

莲灰 elderberry

浅莲灰 pale lilac

鸽子灰 dovegrey

鼠灰 stale grey; mouse

蟹灰 storm blue

天灰 skygrey

土灰 dust grey

水泥灰 concrete grey

烟灰 smoky grey; ash

雾灰 mistygrey

黑灰 grey black; charcoal grey

紫灰 purple grey; cadet; dove grey

深紫灰 heron

淡紫灰 lilacgrey

浅绿灰 eucalyptus

浅米灰 moon light

卡其灰 khaki light

蓝灰 bluegrey; slate; steel grey; pike grey

青灰 lividity; steel grey; balsam green

白灰 palegrey

深灰 dark grey; dull grey; Oxford grey

暗灰 deep grey

中灰 medium grey

浅灰 light grey; ash grey

棕色 brown

红棕 umber; chili

金棕 auburn

铁锈棕 rustic brown

桔棕 orange brown

橄榄棕 olive brown


咖啡色 coffee

酱色 caramel; reddish brown

紫酱色 marron

茶色 umber; dun; dark brown

赭色 ocher; auburn; chocolate; sienna; umber; rust

琥珀色 amber; succinite

栗色 chestnut; sorrel; marron

金色 gold

古金色 old gold

银色 silver; argent

铅色 lividity

锌色 zinc

铁锈色 rust

青古铜色 bronze; bronzy

黑古铜色 dark bronze

紫铜色 purple bronze

黄铜色 brassiness

木色 wood

土色 lividity; sallow

驼色 camel; light tan

米色 beige; buff; cream; gray sand

卡其色 khaki

奶油色 cream

豆沙色 cameo

浅豆沙色 pale mauve

藕荷色 bisque

肉桂色 cinnamon

肉色 flesh , carnation; incarnadine; pastel peach

水晶色 crystal

荧光色 iridescent

彩虹色 iris; rainbow

6. 表示app颜色的词语?

斑斓 鲜红,翠绿,黑色 大红 淡黄 湖绿 老蓝 桃红 深棕 桔红 淡绿 墨绿 墨蓝 玫红 棕色 橙色 草绿 米灰 血青 米红 紫红 金黄 深绿 天蓝 紫色 碧绿 乌黑 粉红 金黄 橘红 淡青 火红 灰白 湛蓝 橙红 红色:火红、深红、浅红、暗红、橘红、桃红、紫红、朱红、胭脂红、牡丹红、粉红、亮红、艳红、酒红、殷红、苏丹红、绯红、绛红、赤红、枣红、花红、大红、灯红、嫣红、血红、黑红、砖红、玫瑰红黄色:金黄 姜黄 桔黄 金色 深黄 淡黄 浅黄 明黄 土黄 嫩黄 鹅黄 焦黄 娇黄 奶黄 柠檬黄 橙黄 褐黄黑色:黛黑 深黑 炭黑 乌黑 漆黑绿色:浅绿 深绿 墨绿 翠绿 碧绿 油绿 蓝色:玄青 深蓝 浅蓝 藏蓝 海蓝 天蓝白色:灰白 雪白 苍白 惨白 银白 花白

7. 请写出10个水果英语单词?

apple 苹果 pear 梨 apricot 杏 peach 桃 grape 葡萄 banana 香蕉 pineapple 菠萝 plum 李子 watermelon 西瓜 orange 橙 lemon 柠檬 mango 芒果 strawberry 草莓 medlar 枇杷,欧查果 mulberry 桑椹 nectarine 油桃 cherry 樱桃 pomegranate 石榴 fig 无花果 tangerine 柑子 persimmon 柿子 walnut 胡桃 hazelnut 榛子 peanut 花生 date 枣 chestnut 粟 currant 醋粟 coconut, cocoanut 可可 bilberry 越桔 blackberry, blueberry 黑莓 avocado 鳄梨 black currant 红醋栗 blood orange 红橙 citron, grapefruit 香橼 damson 大马士革李 almond 巴旦杏 nutmeg 肉豆蔻 papaya, papaw 番木瓜 guava 番石榴 pistachio 阿月浑子 prickly pear 仙人掌果 raspberry 覆盆子 soursop 刺果番荔枝

fff 团(fff团是神马意思)
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